Top Fastest Animals In The World On Land

Here we are going to know about the top fastest animals in the world.

Nature is amazing and some of its creatures have incredible running speeds.

So, let’s go and know about them.

List of The Fastest Animals In The World

This list includes the top best fastest animals on land.

let’s go!!!

1. Cheetah

Running Cheetah - fastest animal in the world

Famously the fastest animal on land, the cheetah can reach the incredible speed of 75 miles or 120 kilometers per hour.

Although, it can only maintain this speed for approximately 500 meters.

With a lightweight body, small head, and long legs, cheetahs are built for

As it runs, the cheetah’s spine recoils like a spring, propelling its legs out and allowing it to cover up to 25 feet in a single stride.

The cheetah’s claws, which never fully retract, act like soccer cleats…providing traction as the cheetah hurtles itself forward.

Its speed is the cheetah’s claim to fame, and it’s greatest advantage.

In a habitat dominated by bigger predators, speed allows the cheetah to escape confrontation, so that it can live to hunt another day.

Yes, Cheetah is the fastest animal in the list of fastest animals in the world.

2. Springbok

Springbok standing near river

Springbok, a medium-sized species of gazelle native to southwestern Africa, are extremely fast runners as well as incredible jumpers.

They are able to leap up to 13 feet or 4 meters through the air.

Springbok can run up to 62 miles or 100 kilometers per hour, which is good since they need that speed to evade lions, whose favorite food they are.

3. Pronghorn

Pronghorn standing in the forest

The fastest land animal in the western hemisphere.

The pronghorn antelope is built for speed with specially adapted cushions on their hooves and large lungs to help them take in extra oxygen.

Although they can run, they cannot jump, and so when they run into a rancher’s fence, they have to crawl under it.

Pronghorns can hit top speeds of 55 miles or 88 kilometers per hour, although they cannot maintain these speeds for more than about half a mile.

4. Wildebeest

Wildebeest standing in a forest

Wildebeest are large-hooved mammals native to Africa.

The wildebeest uses its speed to run from predators, especially lions – at about 50 miles or 80 kilometers per hour.

Which, unfortunately for the wildebeest, is exactly the same speed a lion can reach.

5. Lion

Lion refreshing himself in the forest

Of course, the king of jungle is also in the list fastest animals in the world.

The second-largest cats in the world (behind only the tiger in size), lions are also the second-fastest in their family.

They can run at speeds of up to 50 miles or 80 kilometers per hour, but only in short bursts before they become exhausted.

That is why lions try to sneak close to their prey before they begin chasing them.

6. Blackbuck Antelope

Blackbuck Antelope standing in grassland

Native to India, blackbuck got their name because the bucks, or males, turn black with age.

Young males and females have light brown coats, but the older they get, the blacker the bucks become.

Blackbuck can reach speeds of 50 miles or 80 kilometers per hour, but they can sustain that speed for only about a mile at a time.

7. Brown Hare

Brown Hare in a grassland

The Brown hare also called the cape hare or desert hare is native to Africa, India, and Arabia.

The hare’s well-developed legs help it to leap and run very quickly.

Brown Hares can reach speeds of 47 miles or 75 kilometers per hour, but they can only maintain these speeds for about 20 meters.

8. Greyhound

Greyhound in a park. Greyhound is the fastest dog in the world

Greyhounds are the fastest of all dogs, and because of this, they have traditionally been used for hunting and dog racing.

They are sighthounds, which means that they hunt by keeping their prey in sight instead of by scent and smell, as dogs like bloodhounds do.

Their long, lean bodies and flexible spines allow greyhounds to run at up to 46 miles or 74 kilometers per hour.

9. Jackrabbit

Jackrabbit on grassland. Jackrabbit is the fastest rabbit in the world

The jackrabbit is a type of wild hare found in the western parts of North America.

Its strong hind legs allow it to leap up to 20 feet or 6 meters in a single bound.

The jackrabbit uses a combination of zig-zags and leaps to outrun predators.

At top speed, jackrabbits can reach 45 miles or 72 kilometers per hour.

10. The Ostrich

group of Ostrich. The Ostrich is the fastest bird on land in the world

The only bird to make this countdown, the ostrich gets around by running instead of flying.

The largest and heaviest living bird, ostriches run from predators, but when threatened will defend themselves with kicks from their powerful legs.

Ostriches may run at speeds of 44 miles or 70 kilometers per hour.


So, these are the fastest animals on land around the world.

Yes, whenever we talk about the fastest running animals in the world, Cheetah is at number one.

Now, we also know that most animals cannot maintain their speed for long.

In fact, the cheetah can run at its maximum speed only up to 500 meters.

Still, Cheetah is on the top when we are talking about the top fastest animals in the world.

Also Read: Prehistoric animals – strongest and largest

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